CLE | NYSDA Assigned Counsel Appeals Training

The New York State Defenders Association Public Defense Backup Center invites you to a training session with Mark W. Bennett, Peter J. DiGiorgio, Jr, Patrick Marthage, Gary Muldoon, Timothy Murphy, Kim Taylor, and Andrea E. Tomaino on Assigned Counsel Appeals Training. Attached are speakers biographies.

The program will be held on Friday, April 5, 2019, 9:00 am – 4:30 pm, New York State Appellate Division, Fourth Department, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 45 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14604

The program is open to Public Defenders, and Assigned Counsel and Legal Aid Attorneys.. There is no fee for this seminar, but pre-registration is required. No registration at the door. Lunch will be provided. Please complete and return the registration form by March 28, 2019.

To register or for any questions, please contact Alex Walters at


CLICK HERE FOR NYSDA Assigned Counsel Appeals Training Registration Form