New Frontiers in Discovery Reform CPL article 245 Part I and Part II by Jill Paperno and Erik Teifke
Bail, Speedy Trial, and Other Legislative Reforms by Scott Levy
Representing Victims of Domestic Violence under the DVSJA by Alan Rosenthal
NYSDA | Discovery, Bail and Speedy Trial in 2020 and Beyond
WHEN: Saturday, November 23, 2019
TIMES: 9:00am – 4:00pm (registration at 8:30am)
WHERE: DoubleTree 6301 State Route 298 East Syracuse, NY 13057 (Carrier Circle)
OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATIONS: If you are coming from out of town and need overnight accommodations, please call the DoubleTree 315-432-0200 and tell them you are with the “New York State Defenders Association”.